11 benefits of coffee for healthy life

Coffee is a drink rich in chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and kahweol, which are bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals, preventing premature aging, cancer, depression and diabetes.

In addition, coffee has great amounts of caffeine, a compound that stimulates the central nervous system, helping to fight depression, improving mood and physical and mental disposition. Know other food sources of caffeine .

The taste, aroma and amount of caffeine in coffee vary according to the roasting time, the type of grinding and the way the beans are prepared, including espresso, soluble, strained or decaffeinated, which can be consumed pure or used in sweet preparations, such as tiramisu or ice cream, and savory, such as sauces.

Main benefits

The benefits achieved with moderate consumption of coffee for health are:

1. Improve memory and concentration

Because it’s rich in caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant compound, coffee helps improve memory and alertness, in addition to increasing the ability to concentrate and decreasing sleep.

However, tolerance to the effects of caffeine is very common, that is, it is often necessary to consume increasingly large doses to obtain the same benefits as if you had consumed small initial doses.

2. Avoid depression

The polyphenols present in great amounts in coffee fight free radicals and reduce inflammation in the cells of the central nervous system, which contributes to reducing anxiety and improving mood, preventing depression.

In addition, coffee consumption is generally also associated with socializing habits, stimulating contact with other people and favoring general well-being.

3. Prevent cancer

Coffee contains caffeine, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and kahweol, antioxidants that protect cells against damage caused by free radicals, preventing the development of some types of cancer.

In addition, coffee helps lower estrogen levels in the body, a hormone related to some types of cancer, such as breast, liver, colon and endometrial.

4. Help fight headaches

Coffee has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help reduce and prevent headaches, including migraines.

However, some people who stop consuming coffee may notice improvements in their headaches. This happens because the effects of drinking vary according to each body. Therefore, it is important to observe whether coffee intake causes the headache or helps to improve the symptom.

5. Help with weight loss

Coffee consumption favors weight loss, as caffeine helps control hunger temporarily, contributing to the reduction of food intake.

In addition, coffee has thermogenic properties, increasing energy expenditure and burning body fat, favoring weight loss. The intake of 300mg of caffeine per day stimulates an energy expenditure of approximately 79 calories.

6. Improve performance during workouts

Caffeine, present in coffee, has ergogenic properties, which increase the body’s energy production, reducing fatigue and pain during physical exercises, and improving physical and mental performance.

7. Avoid cardiovascular disease

Coffee is rich in chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and kahweol, potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that help fight free radicals, promoting artery health and improving blood circulation, preventing diseases such as heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke.

8. Combat constipation

Because it contains caffeine, coffee increases the contraction of the stomach and intestines, stimulating the elimination of feces and helping to combat constipation.

In addition, coffee, especially in the soluble version, contains good amounts of magnesium, a mineral with laxative properties, stimulating bowel movements and facilitating the elimination of feces.

9. Prevent diabetes

Coffee is rich in antioxidants that protect pancreas cells and therefore improve the function of the hormone insulin, regulating blood glucose levels and preventing diabetes.

10. Prevent premature aging

By having great amounts of antioxidant compounds, such as caffeine, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid, coffee helps protect the skin against the action of free radicals, preventing sagging and premature aging.

11. Prevent Parkinson’s disease

Caffeine, a compound present in high amounts in coffee, protects cells of the central nervous system and stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that, in low concentrations, increases the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

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