3 refreshing drinks to enjoy the summer

Will you say: is there a climate that represents Pak more than the heat? It’s in the summer that we open the most beautiful smile, wear the lightest clothes and toast with the most refreshing drinks of the year.

And if you’re a fan of daring with more creative and refreshing recipes, you’ll love this selection of 3 summer drink recipes , alcoholic and non-alcoholic, to surprise all your family and friends and, best of all, in a super easy way.

Oh! In the end, there’s an extra tip that you’ll love!😉

Recipe 1: Red Fruit Smoothie

The smoothie is nothing more than a healthier version of the milkshake, as it is made with a combination of fresh fruit (or 100% fruit juice), milk and yogurt, with no added sugar.

The secret to preparing a perfect smoothie is the temperature of all the ingredients, which must always be very cold.

In addition to being de-li-ci-o-so, the smoothie is a refreshing , healthy and super easy to prepare drink. Liked? So come with me to learn a step-by-step Red Fruit Smoothie .

What will you need?

  • 400 ml of chilled red fruit juice.
  • 100 ml of chilled milk (animal or vegetable).
  • 120 ml of frozen yogurt (natural and without sugar).
  • 2 forms of ice.
  • Honey to taste to sweeten.
  • Fresh red fruits to finish.

Now just follow the step by step:

  1. Prepare the red fruit juice and set aside.
  2. In a blender, put the milk, ice, yogurt and beat.
  3. Add the berry juice and honey to the mixture.
  4. Blend all ingredients until smooth.
  5. Serve in a bowl or large glass and finish with fresh fruit.

Recipe 2: Mate tea blended with lemon

Milkshake mate teas are increasingly requested and loved by those looking for refreshing and tasty drinks at the same intensity. That’s because they are made with a (divine) mixture of iced mate tea, fruit juice and ice cubes to taste to close the summer package.

And yes, there are several ways to prepare this summer favorite drink , but if you want practicality and guaranteed freshness, bet on this super easy recipe for Mate Tea blended with lemon . You will love!

What will you need?

  • 1 liter of filtered and chilled water.
  • 4 bags of natural mate tea.
  • 2 large lemons squeezed.
  • Sugar or sweetener to taste.
  • 2 forms of ice.

Look how easy and fast it is:

  1. Prepare the tea as indicated on the packaging and let it cool.
  2. Place the cold tea and lemon juice in a blender.
  3. Add sugar or sweetener to taste.
  4. Add 1 form of ice and beat everything.
  5. Serve in a glass or glass and put the remaining ice in the glasses.

Extra: Garnish the glasses with slices of fresh lemon.

Recipe 3: Lemon Caipirinha with Mint

For lovers of a good caipirinha, here is a recipe that will add even more refreshment, flavor and happiness to your summer days.

Perfect to share with friends, on a Sunday lunch or to enjoy happy hour without planning it at home, this is one of the easiest and quickest summer drinks to make.

Caution: This recipe contains alcohol and should not be consumed by persons under 18 years of age.

What will you need?

  • 1 lemon tahiti.
  • 4 mint leaves.
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) of sugar or 12 drops of sweetener.
  • Ice to taste.
  • 30 ml of cachaça.

Now just mix it up:

  1. Cut the lemon into 4 parts (if you prefer, remove the peel).
  2. Place the lemon, mint and sugar or sweetener in a cocktail shaker or glass.
  3. Mash the ingredients using a small pestle.
  4. Add the cachaça and ice.
  5.  If using a cocktail shaker, shake everything to mix.
  6. If using a glass, stir the ingredients with a spoon.
  7. Serve in an appropriate glass and decorate with lemon slices and mint leaves.

Extra tip: sparkling water flavored with fruit

This is one of the most refreshing and easy recipes to include in your summer drink menu.

It’s so easy that it’s not even a recipe, it’s more of a creative idea to “tchan” your sparkling water and make your routine smoother and more delicious.

All you will need to do is find a large pitcher at home, fill it ¾ full with sparkling water, add your favorite fresh fruit, chopped or sliced, and fill with ice cubes to taste. Remember to store the jar in the fridge to keep it fresh, okay?

The secret here is to prepare the pitcher to drink during the day, because the longer the fruits are in the water, the more intense and refreshing the flavor will be.

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