6 tips on how to boost immunity

With the arrival of colder seasons, a recurring question is how to boost immunity and avoid common illnesses of the time, such as colds and flu. For this, the answer is simpler than it seems, since you can strengthen your immune system with some changes in habits.

The protection of our body is done by a set of proteins, cells and organs that defend us from external agents, such as bacteria and viruses. However, if there is no proper maintenance, any rain can bring us down. Follow our tips and find out what is good for boosting immunity !

1) Consume natural vitamins

Acerola, lemon, pineapple and kiwi are some of the foods rich in vitamin C that can be included in your food routine. Dark vegetables, such as arugula, lettuce, spinach, cabbage and chard, are also indicated because they are sources of vitamin E and complex B.

To complete your menu, add foods with omega 3, such as sardines, tuna and salmon. Whole grains and nuts are indicated to enhance zinc in the body. Best of all, foods with vitamins to increase immunity give a lot of different recipes.

2) Sunbathe every day

Taking a little sun, without sunscreen, is key to boosting immunity and strengthening bones. It is recommended that this activity be done every day, for 15 to 20 minutes, and preferably until 10 am or after 4 pm. This is because this period has a lower incidence of UVB rays.

In addition, melatonin, that hormone that regulates sleep cycles, is activated through sunlight, producing a feeling of tranquility. This factor is great for those who have insomnia or difficulty sleeping, as it prepares the body for a longer rest, increasing the resistance of the immune system.

3) Drink water regularly

Keeping the body hydrated is essential for the proper functioning of the organism, especially the defense cells. For this, the ideal is to drink at least two liters of mineral or filtered water per day. A tip for not forgetting to hydrate is to carry a bottle everywhere.

Water also regulates body temperature, helps absorb nutrients from food and makes skin beautiful by improving metabolism and blood circulation. It is worth remembering that, to ensure these benefits in a healthy way, you must drink the liquid pure or flavored with fruit, such as those mentioned above.

4) Practice physical exercises

The practice of physical activities is another suggestion on how to increase immunity. Even indoors, it is possible to do at least 30 minutes of exercises, using simple elements such as a chair, rope and even your own body weight.

Although they do not replace training, household chores, such as washing the bathroom or sweeping the house, also help. You can dance or increase the rhythm of the movements while cleaning. The results of this activity are calorie burning and stress reduction.

5) Decrease consumption of processed foods

Frozen foods such as lasagna and pizza contain many preservatives and harmful substances. Consuming these foods in excess causes infections in the body, in addition to decreasing the body’s resistance. Hence the importance of consuming foods that boost immunity .

Still among the tips on how to boost immunity, it is important to note that the break in diets for a complete and balanced diet is essential. The tip here is to add greens and vegetables to main meals, as well as fruits to breakfast and afternoon snacks.

6) Add tea consumption to your routine

Antioxidant teas, such as hibiscus, ginger, pomegranate, apple with cinnamon and turmeric, improve metabolism, enhancing the body’s defenses. Remember that this type of drink does not replace the two liters of water that should be consumed daily, being only complementary in strengthening the immune system.

Is your body showing some symptoms of fever, excessive tiredness, chills, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea? Know that these signs are alerts that you need to learn how to boost immunity . The good news is that our indications can be used both in prevention and in the care of those who are already sick.

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