6 tips on how to drink more water

You’ve probably heard that water can bring many benefits to our organism, whether in summer or in other seasons of the year. But if even knowing all this you have difficulty adding it to your daily life, discovering techniques on how to drink more water can be a great help.

Every day we lose water through physiological processes such as stool, urine, sweat and breathing. When we practice a physical activity, it intensifies. That’s why it’s so important to keep your body hydrated at all times. See below tips for drinking more water !

1) Invest in flavored water

As we well know, water has no taste, and this characteristic can be a reason for many people to avoid consumption. If this is a factor that bothers you, know that you can flavor the drink with the help of some natural ingredients to start drinking lots of water .

Among the main ones are pieces of fruit, mint, ginger, lemon drops, orange juice and several other alternatives that you like. Another suggestion is to dissolve a tablespoon of concentrated juice in 500 ml of water. It’s also worth adding some ice cubes to make the drink cool.

2) Bet on healthy drinks

Drinking natural fruit juices, coconut water and teas is also a technique to drink more water. This is because, unlike industrialized drinks, such as soft drinks and boxed juices, they do not contain excessive sugars or preservatives.

Can caffeine be consumed normally? Drinks with this characteristic can be consumed in moderation, since they are diuretics and will make you lose even more liquid. As for milk, prefer the skimmed versions, as they contain about 87% water in the composition.

3) Drink the right amount of water

“After all, how many liters of water should I drink ?”. This is the doubt of many people. The recommended by the Ministry of Health is the consumption of at least 2 liters per day. However, this is an average, that is, it may vary according to the characteristics of your organism.

To know the right amount of liquid that needs to be ingested, it is recommended to seek a doctor and talk about this issue. He will examine you and see what is the best alternative to care for and hydrate your body. This care is very important, because drinking too much water is bad when done the wrong way.

4) Count on the help of the bottles

Make the bottle your best friend. From work to that shopping trip, don’t forget to carry it with you. This attitude will help you keep your body hydrated always up to date. For those who work in an office, it is worth leaving an option on the table and, preferably, right in front of it.

Acquiring a new squeeze-shaped piece or investing in a nice glass can be an excellent incentive for anyone who wants to know how to drink more water. For children, the versions printed with their favorite drawings or characters encourage consumption and make the little ones more excited about this task.

5) Use daily reminders

Do you know why water is important , but do you keep forgetting to drink it even though you have a bottle nearby? In this case, the tip is to set an alarm on your cell phone or bet on applications that help you remember that you are in charge of hydrating your body, such as “drinking water” and “drinking water balance”.

By the way, the second option is perfect for those who want to closely monitor the amount of liquid they have consumed during the day. Another cool trick is to leave a glass of water next to the bed, which is an excellent habit. After all, when we sleep, we spend 6 to 8 hours without hydration.

6) Eat food with lots of water

We already know that drinking too much water can be harmful to health. For those who are still in doubt, how about increasing your menu with foods rich in water? Another advantage of these foods is the fact that they are usually nutritious and low in calories, making them perfect for those who want to lose weight.

In fruits, the main highlights are: orange, watermelon, melon, tangerine and apple. Vegetables and greens, such as broccoli, kale, beets and cabbage, are also on that food list. Meat, depending on the type chosen, can contain between 60% and 75% water.

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