Any bodily movement that produces muscle contraction and energy expenditure above resting levels is considered physical activity. Exercises are planned, structured, and repetitive activities.

In addition to maintaining health, exercises also aim to improve the maintenance of one or more physical components. But due to the rush of everyday life, many people are leaving activities aside.

Technology has brought some facilities that impede body movement, such as cars, elevators, escalators, in addition to the time people spend in front of the television, with their cell phone in hand, among others.

The time dedicated to work, studies and other tasks also ends up preventing the practice of physical exercises, but this is not good for the body and can be harmful to health.

In this article, you will see how to start doing physical activity regularly and understand the main benefits of the practice.

Physical activities for aesthetics

If the intention is to have strong and apparent muscles, bodybuilding is the best option, now, those who want to lose weight can invest in an aerobics session.

Once you’ve defined which physical activity fits your profile, it’s essential to respect your body’s limitations. Follow all the instructor’s guidelines and be aware of signs such as pain and discomfort.

At the beginning of the activities, avoid very heavy loads and try to learn the techniques of the movements, always respecting the pauses between series, as this avoids injuries. Over time, the body will get used to the exercises.

It’s also important to be realistic and set achievable goals. It’s not because a friend or relative managed to lose weight quickly that this also applies to you. It never relies on other people’s results, because everyone has their own metabolism.

The ideal is to do a self-assessment and see what lifestyle changes are needed to achieve your purpose.

It doesn’t matter if the person wants to lose weight or strengthen their muscles, everything is a process and there are no miraculous results.

benefits of exercising

Practicing daily physical activity improves blood circulation, helps to lose weight, strengthens bones and the immune system, and prevents heart disease.

All these benefits can be felt after a month of starting regular activities. There are also several options for practicing, such as weight training, dancing, walking, running, jumping rope and so on.

In a residence for the elderly , physical activities are also encouraged, as they are beneficial at any age. In general, the body has access to several benefits, such as:

1. Lowers blood pressure

Several studies have already shown that aerobic physical activities help to reduce blood pressure, in addition to improving blood circulation, 2 fundamental aspects for those with hypertension.

Practicing them constantly improves good cholesterol levels and reduces bad cholesterol, with this, it is possible to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis.

2. Strengthens the bones

Walking and bodybuilding are two exercise modalities that help strengthen bones and joints, and this happens because they promote bone growth and even increase its density.

These benefits are important at any age, as in the case of a professional who is about to undergo a drug test for admission , but without a doubt, it is even more advantageous for the elderly.

Elderly people who practice physical activity every day manage to prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of injuries in cases of falls.

3. Brings a feeling of well-being

Physical exercises stimulate the production of endorphins, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain that brings analgesic sensation to the body and promotes the feeling of mental and physical well-being.

When exercises are done regularly, they increase the feeling of relaxation, bring more pleasure to everyday life, improve mood, and increase self-confidence and self-esteem .

4. Combat anxiety and depression

Because they release serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, physical activities help improve mood, memory, sleep, appetite and heart rate.

They also increase the sensitivity of neurotransmitters in the brain and when they are in low concentrations, the person feels depressed and anxious. Practicing physical activities increases the amount of these substances and fights these diseases.

After the doctor releases the health certificate for the gym , the individual with depression or anxiety disorder can start exercising, and with that improve the quality of sleep and reduce symptoms.

5. Strengthens the immune system

Physical activities also help strengthen the immune system, which is essential for the body to be able to fight infections and produce anti-inflammatory substances.

They have antioxidant action and end up improving the functioning of cells present in the immune system.

6. Reduces excess weight

In everyday life, some physical activities, such as climbing concrete stairs , help to put the body in motion and fight excess weight.

This is because they accelerate metabolism, favoring energy expenditure and calorie burning, and the more intense the exercise, the more calories you can burn.

Several studies have also proven that alternating aerobic activities with strength training helps to maximize fat loss and increase muscle mass.

7. Increases disposition

The dopamine, serotonin and inner thin released during physical exercises increase disposition, improve energy and bring a feeling of well-being.

In this way, a beginner swimming class also reduces the feeling of tiredness, improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and the individual feels more willing for everyday tasks.

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