Know 9 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Headaches

Headache is a complaint that is often experienced by everyone. Although this condition usually doesn’t last long and has mild symptoms, headaches can make the sufferer uncomfortable to the point of interfering with daily activities. To fix this, let’s look at several ways to get rid of headaches in the following reviews.

How to Get Rid of Headaches

There are several types of headaches that are commonly felt, ranging from migraines, clusters, and tension headaches (tension type headaches) . The causes themselves are also different. Even so, there are several ways you can do to relieve headaches. The following is an explanation of each.

1. Meet the Needs of Body Fluids

Dehydration is one of the causes of headaches, including migraines . Therefore, you are advised to meet your body’s fluid needs by consuming approximately two liters of mineral water per day. To be more optimal, you can also eat fruits or foods that contain water, such as watermelon and vegetable soup for breakfast.

2. Rest in a quiet room

One way to get rid of headaches that can also be tried is to rest in a quiet room with dim lighting. This is because light or light that is too bright can cause headaches for some people. Meanwhile, being in a place away from crowds can help relieve headache symptoms.

3. Improve Sleep Patterns

The next way to get rid of headaches is to make sure you have enough sleep, which is around 7-9 hours. This is because lack of sleep is often a trigger for headaches. You can optimize it by having a 20-30 minute nap each day.

4. Using Compress

One of the effective ways to get rid of headaches is compressing the temples or forehead with a cold cloth. Cold compresses can help block inflammatory substances from reaching the head so that headache symptoms can be reduced. You can use a cold washcloth or wrap ice in a clean cloth and compress the head for 10-15 minutes.

Not only cold compresses, warm compresses can also be used as a way to get rid of tension headaches (tension type headaches) . You can use a heating pad or cloth soaked in warm water, then compress it on the neck or back of the head.

5. Drink Warm Drinks

Consuming hot drinks, such as tea or coffee, can also help relieve headache symptoms. The reason is, caffeine in coffee is useful for reducing blood flow to the head by constricting blood vessels, thus providing a positive effect on headache symptoms. However, you need to pay attention to the right dose of caffeine so as not to exacerbate headache symptoms.

6. Stretching and massaging the sore head

Headaches can be caused by muscle tension due to stress. Therefore, headache sufferers are advised to stretch, relax, or meditate to help relieve muscle tension. When the muscles relax, usually the headache symptoms will subside.

You can also do gentle massage on the temples, forehead and neck for a few minutes until the headache subsides. In addition to making the muscles more relaxed, applying gentle pressure to the head can also improve blood circulation.

7. Inhale Aromatherapy Steam

How to relieve headaches by inhaling aromatherapy steam is known to be quite effective. This is because certain ingredients in essential oils have calming properties that can relieve headache symptoms. Several types of essential oils that are often used to relieve headaches are chamomile , lavender , and peppermint .

8. Avoid Pressure on the Head Area

When you have a headache, avoid using accessories that can press your head too tight, such as hair ties, glasses that are too small or a headband.

Also, avoid chewing hard, tough, or sticky foods. One study showed that chewing gum can trigger attacks of headaches, especially the migraine and tension types.

9. Taking Headache Remedies

If the several ways to treat headaches above are not effective in relieving the symptoms you are feeling, you can try taking pain relievers. You should consult a doctor before taking certain drugs to find out the right dosage.

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