Balanced diet: what it is and what foods are indicated

Maintaining a balanced diet is one of the best ways to maintain well-being, disposition and longevity. Briefly, a balanced diet is one that provides the necessary nutrients to fuel the body’s energy without harming your health.

Although the nutritionist is essential at this time, aiming at the best nutrients to include in your routine, it is possible to improve your diet with basic tips. To learn how to eat a balanced and healthy diet , follow the suggestions we have prepared for you!

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet is “composed of foods rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat meat, fish, eggs and plenty of water”. It does not cause weight gain or loss, but it is essential for staying healthy.

So what should a healthy and balanced diet look like ? The first tip is to avoid industrialized or sugar-rich options. This is because, in addition to contributing to weight gain, consuming them in excess can cause several other health problems, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc.

Guidelines for a balanced diet

When the subject is “ how to have a balanced diet ?”, many doubts arise along the way. In magazines, on social networks and on television, we are faced with a huge variety of information that, often, is not found and provokes new questions about the subject.

To help achieve a balanced diet of nutrients , we have separated some solutions that can be implemented in your routine. Follow along and have a healthier life with the help of our tips!

Invest in vegetables

Vegetables are the basis of this diet, whether vegetarian or not. According to the specialist, the reason for this is the fact that these foods are rich in fibers that satisfy hunger. “Thus, they improve the functioning of the intestine and activate our metabolism”, she explains.

For this reason, be sure to consume vegetables, fruits, greens and cereals daily. Both in the balanced diet to lose weight and in those who want to start eating healthier, these items are capable of providing benefits to our health.

Replace some food

Another tip is to replace traditional foods with healthier options. “Bread can be replaced with wholemeal breads, which improve bowel function. It is also worth opting for a protein-rich food, such as cheese omelette or boiled egg”, concludes Simone.

White sugar can be replaced with demerara and brown sugar, which are more nutritious options. However, you need to be aware of exaggerations in consumption, as they contain the same amount of calories. Your balanced diet can also rely on natural sweeteners such as stevia, xylitol and erythritol.

Drink a lot of water

According to our nutritionist, water is essential for various processes in our body. “Water helps regulate body temperature, contributes to the functioning of the intestine, provides energy, well-being, and is essential for the physiological processes of absorption and excretion. Water is life.”.

Although there is the idea that you need to drink 2 liters of water a day, it is important to know that each organism works in a way.

Choose food well

In life, we make several choices and the foods we consume are among them. Clarity comes through information, so it’s worth paying attention to the nutrients that each product has. An example of this is orange juice, which, although it has the same calories as soda, is much healthier.

So what to do when you hit that urge to eat fast food? On occasions like this, ask yourself if this option is worth consuming and what benefits it can provide your body. Working on this food awareness helps us make better decisions.

Bet on seeds

Increasing dishes with seeds is excellent for health, as they have fiber and omega 3. Best of all, in addition to being healthy, they are delicious and super crunchy, breaking the prejudice that a balanced diet cannot be tasty.

Among the most used options, we find: linseed, chia, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Their biggest advantage is that they can be added to different recipes, ranging from breakfast to dinner. So don’t be afraid to put them in yogurts, salads, bread doughs, cakes and more.

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