Performing routine exams for men is essential in maintaining the physical well-being of this public. The same logic applies to women. However, male negligence when it comes to health care stands out and deserves attention. 

The most common reasons for neglecting this type of care are prejudice and lack of time. Proof of this is that, according to the  Society of Urology ( SBU ), only about 30% of men between 40 and 70 years old underwent a digital rectal examination.

Do you realize how being on top of routine exams for men is essential? That is, by knowing and performing them annually, it is possible to identify problems at the beginning and increase the quality of life. So, keep reading and meet 7 of them!

1. Prostate exam

The aforementioned prostate exam , which also consists of digital rectal examination, is essential to assess the presence of serious diseases, such as cancer. For this reason, the prostate examination needs to be carried out periodically, such as every six months, from the age of 40, especially if there are cases in the family.

In any case, each patient’s urologist can indicate a specific time interval. In any case, know that the prostate exam consists of checking the size and texture of the prostate gland. If there is any abnormality in these characteristics, it is a sign that there may be a problem.

In addition to digital rectal examination, this type of examination also involves PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood analysis. This antigen exists on both sperm and prostate cells. So, when analyzing the blood, it is possible to identify any changes.

2. Blood test

In addition to the blood test from the PSA, there are others necessary to collect levels of uric acid, glucose, creatine, cholesterol and triglycerides, testosterone, etc. From this analysis, the doctor is able to detect several pathologies, from serious to milder ones.

This is the case with diabetes , high cholesterol, changes in sex hormones and much more. For this reason, the blood test is an ally for maintaining people’s health, such as the male public.

Therefore, health professionals recommend taking this exam annually. This way, it is easier to diagnose diseases early and even prevent them. The most common blood tests in clinical practice involve CBC, insulin, fasting blood glucose, electrolytes, and more.

3. Urine test

Another routine test also indicated for men is the urine test. From it, doctors can diagnose a number of health problems, such as kidney disease and urinary infections. Male urinary infection is rare, but it can occur, bring complications and even signal more serious problems. Therefore, it is important to perform the urine test.

In this sense, there is the EAS urine test, the most basic and which allows checking the doses of bacteria, leukocytes, proteins, red blood cells, glucose and others. Also, there is the uroculture, specifically designed to check for urinary infections. Thus, in addition to diagnosing the pathology, this test identifies the bacteria responsible for it.

4. Examination of feces

Fecal examination is also necessary and recommended to identify problems in human health, especially those related to the digestive system. This is the case with allergies, food intolerance and infections.

In this sense, it is especially indicated for those who experience recurrent abdominal pain, as this signals the presence of parasites in the digestive system. However, the stool test is not contraindicated. After all, many diseases are silent.

So, know that there is the EDF stool test, aimed at analyzing the presence of disease-causing parasites. And yet, there is the test that searches for occult blood in the stool. In this case, its indication is to verify the presence of tumors of the rectum and colon.

5. Blood pressure measurement

Another way to promote the maintenance of men’s health and quality of life is by measuring their blood pressure. This type of exam is basic, simple to perform and has no contraindications.

Its main objective is to verify the presence of cardiovascular diseases, one of the main causes of death in men after 40 years of age. Along with them, doctors also associate other pathologies with the main causes of death in this public, such as diabetes and cancer .

So, blood pressure measurement should be performed on two or more occasions to check for hypertension , for example. It is also important, before the exam, not to practice physical activities, not to smoke and to avoid drinks that accelerate the organism, such as coffee.

6. BMI calculation

The BMI is the body mass index, intended to analyze the proportion between weight and height of a patient. In this way, it is possible to classify the result of the index according to the risks for the appearance of diseases, such as obesity and other related ones.

Having a high level of abdominal fat increases your risk for health problems, did you know? It is for this reason that monitoring BMI is an important measure to take care of the quality of life. In any case, it is necessary to have complementary exams for a more precise analysis that considers beyond height and weight.

7. Exercise test

The exercise test is aimed at evaluating the functioning of the cardiovascular system in times of physical exertion. For this, the patient is usually submitted to the evaluation on a kind of treadmill. This is connected to various electrodes and pressure gauges.

In this way, it is possible to evaluate the behavior of the electrocardiogram, heart rate and blood pressure. Thus, doctors detect health problems such as cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial ischemia and many others. Therefore, it is important that men take this exam annually.

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