Discover the benefits of practicing yoga for sleep

We know that a good night’s sleep improves the quality of your performance the next morning, in addition to strengthening the immune system. Therefore, practicing sleep yoga will help you rest better every night and ensure a healthier routine.

The main objective of yoga is to work the body and mind in an interconnected way. A set of exercises that help to control stress, improve anxiety, balance, focus, sense of well-being and body functioning.

Practice goes far beyond touching your toes or stretching as far as you can. If practiced often, yoga keeps you healthier, balances your emotions, provides mental clarity, and strengthens your body.

It creates a unique and essential connection between mind and body, increasing your vital energy. And, as we know, a calm and balanced mind can learn more easily, keeping memory up to date.

benefits of yoga for sleep

In addition to working the mind and body, yoga also acts on the parasympathetic nervous system. He is responsible for stimulating actions that allow the organism to respond to situations of calm, rest and digestion.

This means that when this system is deregulated, it can cause insomnia. A very common disorder among the population, affecting the quality of life and promoting damage to health.

When we practice yoga before bed , we condition our body and mind into a state of deep relaxation. Thus, a regular practice mainly helps people with insomnia to sleep longer, improving the quality of sleep.

Find out what a good night’s sleep can do for your health

Our performance the next morning depends mainly on a good night’s sleep. Mood and your productivity are directly affected when you sleep poorly.

Irritation, mental fatigue, loss of focus and emotional instability are some of the factors felt by those who sleep badly. The point is that we have six to eight hours of sleep a day, to ensure well-being and improve physical and mental health.

Getting a good night’s sleep helps strengthen your body’s ability to fight infections. Also, while we sleep, hormonal regulation and cell renewal happens, improving mood, stress, appetite control and skin aspect.

Therefore, yoga to sleep well is so essential to ensure a lighter and healthier life. You will be able to control stress, stimulate reasoning, promote an improvement in your memory, in addition to rejuvenating your skin.

Yoga moves for you to practice

Many reasons lead people to practice yoga to sleep. Whatever yours, we’ve selected some movements and positions for you to put into practice as soon as possible and ensure even greater quality in your nights sleep.

child’s posture

For this move, you need to kneel with your knees slightly apart. Then stretch your arms forward, relaxing your body under your thighs. Place your forehead on the floor or bed, then take a deep breath.

Butterfly posture

It is one of the best known positions. For her, sit with your back straight and bring the soles of your feet together. Then she spread her knees wide and place her hands on her ankles. She relax her shoulders and breathe deeply.

Inverted posture

Lie on your back and place your raised legs on a wall, touching your buttocks to it. Stay like this for 10 to 15 minutes, relaxing your back, neck and abdomen. This position calms the nervous system, in addition to helping with the circulation of blood flow.

Savasana posture

Also known as the corpse position, it is perfect for those seeking total relaxation of body and mind. Lie completely flat on the bed , with arms and legs stretched out and palms facing upwards. Watch your breath and if you prefer, include meditation in this position.

Apana posture

Still lying on your back, place your knees under your belly and then hug your legs. Stay in this position for a few minutes, controlling your breathing. Finally, release your legs and relax, breathing deeply.

Twisting posture

It is also a lying position. Extend your legs towards your chest and open your arms in line. She positions her knees to one side and her face to the other, keeping her shoulders very relaxed. After a few minutes, switch sides.

Big toe posture

Lie on your back and lift your right leg, bringing your knee towards your chest, placing your hands behind your thigh. Keep your leg straight, stretching it towards the ceiling. Stay like this for a few minutes and then repeat the process with your left leg.

Create an intimate and welcoming atmosphere

To practice yoga for sleep, some tips and tricks can further intensify this moment of connection between body and mind. So create a cozy atmosphere in your room .

Candles and incense are able to guarantee an environment full of well-being, also providing a unique feeling of relaxation. To complete, bet on a delicious environment flavoring.

Prepare your bed, disconnect from the digital world and enjoy the benefits of yoga . If you want, put on a playlist with background music. You can opt for rain sounds, birdsong and even ocean wave sounds. These small changes will guarantee great moments of well-being and relaxation.

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