In addition, strengthening the immune system becomes even more important in some periods, such as winter, which increases virus circulation. Therefore, following proper care contributes to preventing and properly treating flu and colds, common illnesses of this season.

So, do you want to know the main care to raise the immunity of the family? Continue reading and stay on top of the theme!

What is immunity?

First, know that immunity consists of the body’s defense mechanism against invading agents, such as viruses, bacteria and germs. Thus, the stronger someone’s immunity, the greater the ability to resist disease-causing.

This immunity is guaranteed due to cells, tissues, molecules and organs that act in the immune system. Together, it’s as if they form a protective barrier that prevents the invasion of some elements.

Thus, immunity can be classified in a few ways: innate or adaptive and active or passive. Learn more about each one:

  • innate immunity: it is present in individuals from birth, such as eyelashes and mucous membranes, which form a barrier against dirt, for example;
  • adaptive immunity: it is acquired during life after contact with infectious agents, which can occur naturally, as in the transfer of antibodies (proteins that warn the body about the existence of disease-causing agents) from the mother to the fetus, or artificially , as with the vaccine or antivenom;
  • active immunity: occurs when the body itself produces the immune response;
  • passive immunity: the individual receives antibodies without needing to stimulate the immune system.

How important is immunity?

As seen, immunity is useful for forming a barrier in the body against the action of invaders. This is fundamental because, on a daily basis, human beings are exposed to thousands of germs, viruses and bacteria, which is even more intense during the winter.

Just think of the number of shared elements your hands touch every day, such as doorknobs, public transport, pens, elevator buttons, etc. Therefore, this facilitates the spread of contaminating agents that cause diseases, such as Covid-19.

Therefore, if the body does not have a strong defense mechanism, the body is more susceptible to the invasion of these agents. Thus, he becomes vulnerable to various diseases, from the lightest to the most serious.

What care to follow to improve family immunity?

In the last topic, we mentioned the importance of immunity and the risks of ignoring it. Now, it’s time to learn some tips to strengthen the immune system. Follow!

avoid alcohol

We know that nobody is iron and that alcohol is usually welcome to celebrate accomplishments and socialize with special people. So, the idea is not to completely cut the consumption of this drink, in case this is not advised by your doctor, but to restrict its intake.

That’s because frequent drinking weakens the immune system. Soon, the body is more conducive to the emergence of diseases. The explanation is that, in contact with defense cells, alcohol acts as a toxicant. It then damages the cells and the structure responsible for eliminating pathogens.

On the other hand, some alcoholic beverages, consumed in small doses and less frequently, can be good for health. After all, from them it is possible to improve blood circulation, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, improve social life, etc. However, it is imperative that consumption be balanced.

do physical exercises

The practice of physical exercises stimulates the strengthening of the immune system and, consequently, helps to improve immunity. Still, this type of activity helps reduce the risk of psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and chronic stress. These problems are indirectly associated with weak immunity.

Another benefit caused by the practice of physical exercises and which explains the strengthening of the immune system is fat burning. In this way, it is easier to control the individual’s weight and remove the risk of obesity , hypertension, sleep apnea, diabetes and other diseases that impact immunity.

Did you realize the importance of physical exercises for your health? To get the benefits, this practice needs to be regular. So prioritize pleasurable activities, so you can stay focused and disciplined in performing them frequently for at least 30 minutes daily.

Drink plenty of water

Hydration is essential for the body to function properly, including the defense cells present in the immune system. So to strengthen your immunity, it’s essential to drink plenty of water. In this way, you help your body’s organs to work properly.

In that sense, ensure the consumption of at least 2 liters of water per day. This is a general recommendation, since adequate intake varies according to age, body weight and other particularities in the individual’s routine. But remember that alcohol, tea, vegetable milk and juice don’t count, right?

take care of your sleep

It is not uncommon to find people who give up sleep to work, use their cell phones, participate in a social event or for any other reason. However, this choice poses health risks, such as weakening the immune system.

One explanation is that sleep deprivation stimulates excessive production of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. One of the effects of the constant presence of cortisol is an increase in blood pressure.

That is, this can cause changes in the body, such as weakening immunity. Therefore, the recommendation is that you sleep for about 8 hours a day, always respecting your body’s biological schedule and going to bed at night. After all, exchanging day for night also affects sleep and health.

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