Obesity is a disease that has serious consequences, such as an increased risk of respiratory and cardiovascular problems and much more. Even so, in Pak alone, the obesity rate in 2021 was 22.35%, according to research by the Ministry of Health . 

In addition, the forecast is that, in 2030, almost 70% of Pakis will be overweight and almost 30% will be obese. The data are from a survey funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) . This makes clear the importance of knowing the consequences of obesity.

So, do you want to know more about it to learn how to take care of yourself properly? So, read on and stay tuned!

What is Obesity?

First, know that obesity is characterized by overweight, which also varies according to age, height and other particularities of the individual. That is, far beyond the aesthetic discomfort that the accumulation of fat usually causes in some people, it can have serious consequences for health.

Obesity occurs due to the imbalance between the amount of calories consumed and those spent throughout the day. This causes the accumulation of fat, which initially leads to overweight and, if the condition is not controlled, also to obesity.

What are the causes of obesity?

People often associate obesity with a sedentary lifestyle and excessive consumption of fatty foods, such as ultra-processed foods. These are some of the causes of obesity, but there are other risk factors that influence the onset of the disease and must also be controlled. It is the case of:

  • genetics: patients with a family history of obesity are predisposed to this disease;
  • neurological problems: brain injuries, such as in the hypothalamus, favor the increase of body fat;
  • Hormonal problems: the high level of hormones, such as cortisol, associated with stress , and thyroid problems contribute to weight gain;
  • psychological problems: disorders such as anxiety and depression can lead individuals to reduce the practice of physical exercises and increase the consumption of high-calorie foods;
  • Medications: some medications may have fluid retention and fat accumulation as a side effect, which favors obesity.

What are the main symptoms of obesity?

As seen, obesity offers visible symptoms, such as an increase in abdominal circumference and weight gain in general. But beyond that, there are other nuisance signs to keep an eye out for, such as:

  • anxiety and depression: these psychological disorders can often be associated with binge eating and problems with self-esteem ;
  • shortness of breath: excess weight puts pressure on regions of the body, such as the heart and lungs, which tends to cause shortness of breath;
  • varicose veins and nerve ulcers: overweight usually causes changes in blood circulation, which results in varicose veins and nerve ulcers;
  • body aches: being overweight requires more effort from the joints, which causes discomfort for the back , knees and legs;
  • lack of physical conditioning: the accumulation of fat affects the ability of the individual to perform physical activities, from the simplest to the most complex;
  • infertility and impotence: overweight tends to bring about hormonal changes and difficulty in blood flow, associated with infertility and impotence;
  • skin problems: Individuals with obesity often have skin problems, such as dark spots in the groin, armpit and neck, as well as dermatitis and fungal infections.

What are the consequences of obesity?

As mentioned, obesity can have serious health consequences. Find out more about them below!


First of all, hypertension is a cardiovascular disease characterized by increased blood pressure. One of the biggest dangers of this health problem is that symptoms usually only appear when the condition is advanced.

Therefore, it tends to be more difficult to diagnose and treat hypertension. Thus, the walls of arteries and veins are gradually damaged. To make matters worse, know that this cardiovascular disease affects about 25% of adults in Pak . The main causes for her emergence are fat accumulation and excessive consumption of greasy foods.


As seen, shortness of breath is one of the symptoms of obesity, due to excess weight putting pressure on the respiratory system. From this, individuals can suffer from asthma, which tends to be even more intense in some circumstances.

Among them, after the practice of physical exercises, at bedtime and in the presence of allergenic elements. That is, asthmatic individuals often suffer from insomnia, reduced respiratory capacity and permanent alteration in the functioning of the lungs. Therefore, the quality of life is greatly impacted.


Most of the time, the increase in fat accumulation is associated with diabetes. This is another serious disease that requires rapid diagnosis and control to avoid further complications. That is, the imbalance between ingested calories and those expended with daily activities encourages overweight.

Consequently, the insulin produced by the body may be insufficient for the sugar consumed in food, accumulated in the blood. All this favors the development of type 2 diabetes.

Sleep apnea

Another common consequence for obesity sufferers is sleep apnea, in which individuals have their breathing briefly interrupted while sleeping. As a result, people tend to snore and make choking noises from trying to breathe.

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