Recognize the Causes of Quick Fatigue and Drowsiness

Dense daily activities often make the body tired quickly and easily sleepy. This condition is normal and generally goes away after you get enough rest and sleep. However, you need to be vigilant when the fatigue doesn’t go away even after you rest. This is because this can be an indication of certain diseases such as anemia and diabetes.

Let’s see more information through the reviews below.

Causes of Body Tired Quickly and Easily Drowsy

Fatigue generally occurs due to overuse of muscles. But in some cases, fatigue can be caused by a number of diseases such as:

1. Anemia

Anemia is a disease that can cause the body to get tired quickly and fall asleep easily. Anemia can occur because the body lacks red blood cells so it is unable to distribute oxygen and nutrients to all body cells.

The condition of anemia itself is generally caused by a lack of intake of iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Besides getting tired easily, people with anemia will usually also feel dizzy, fever, and chills.

As for how to deal with the body getting tired quickly and easily feeling sleepy due to anemia, you can do it by getting enough rest, consuming blood-boosting foods , or using medicines according to doctor’s recommendations.

2. Mental Disorders

Mental health problems, such as stress, depression, or anxiety disorders are often marked by the appearance of symptoms in the form of decreased appetite, fatigue, and easy sleepiness.

In addition, mental disorders can also cause sufferers to have no enthusiasm in carrying out activities, easily offended, feel anxious, even in severe conditions can encourage someone to end their life.

Therefore, mental health problems need to be addressed immediately to prevent sufferers from doing things that can endanger themselves and others. So, if you or a relative experiences these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause and get the right treatment.

3. Thyroid disease

The cause of the body getting tired quickly and getting sleepy easily can also be triggered by thyroid disorders or diseases, such as hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormone), hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone), or thyroid cancer .

Not only causing sufferers to feel tired quickly, thyroid disease also causes a number of other symptoms, such as chest palpitations, frequent anxiety, weight loss or gain, and frequent cold sweats.

4. Heart disease

Some heart diseases such as heart failure or coronary heart disease have the same symptoms, namely fatigue. However, not many sufferers realize that this tired and drowsy condition is caused by heart disease .

Therefore, if you feel tired quickly even if you don’t do strenuous activities and are accompanied by other abnormal symptoms, such as chest pain and shortness of breath, you should immediately consult a doctor.

5. Diabetes

Body tired quickly and easily sleepy are the most common symptoms commonly experienced by people with diabetes . Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to control blood sugar levels so that it is above the normal threshold.

The way to deal with fatigue and drowsiness due to diabetes can be done by lowering blood sugar levels through a healthy lifestyle, such as exercise, meeting body fluid needs, regulating food intake, getting enough rest, avoiding stress, and checking blood sugar regularly.

Other Causes of Easy Fatigue and Drowsiness

Apart from the several medical conditions above, the body gets tired easily and gets sleepy quickly can be caused by a number of other, more common factors, such as:

  • Poor sleep quality.
  • Obesity or overweight.
  • Improper diet.
  • The body is not getting enough nutrients.
  • Consuming too much caffeine.
  • Dehydration or lack of body fluids.
  • Consuming alcoholic beverages and illicit drugs.
  • Job demands that can cause irregular sleeping hours.
  • Living a sedentary lifestyle . The habit of doing nothing all day long can actually cause the body to tire quickly and fall asleep easily.

How to Overcome Body Easily Tired and Drowsy Quickly

Basically, how to deal with getting tired easily and getting sleepy quickly depends on the cause. If it is caused by a certain disease, medical treatment is needed to treat the disease. But in general, tired and sleepy bodies can be overcome with the following efforts:

  • Eat healthy food with balanced nutrition.
  • Adequate body fluid needs of approximately 2 liters per day.
  • Limit consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Manage stress .
  • Improve sleep quality.

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