What are functional juices? Know some types and their benefits

Cooling off in the summer period is never too much, is it? There’s nothing like beating the heat with functional juices . In addition to offering a series of benefits, the recipes for these drinks are simple, aimed at maintaining the body’s balance and helping to solve a series of health problems.

Therefore, if you are wondering what a functional juice is for , know that these recipes are increasingly popular in homes and can be known as detox. Some have detoxification effect on the body and can be effective for other situations, depending on the ingredient used.

To bring you some of the main functional juice recipes , we, from the axioncoffee blog, made this special article with delicious options for daily consumption. Thus, you find the ideal recipe to insert into your daily life and keep your body healthy.

What are?

After all, what are functional juices ? These are drink recipes in which we can include fruits, vegetables and various vegetables. Because they only have natural ingredients, they are usually rich in nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition to being healthy options, they may have specific functions.

Therefore, it is possible to find recipes aimed at different purposes, such as detoxification and intestinal balance , melanin production, cholesterol reduction, muscle recovery, increased cardiovascular power, aid in the digestion process, combating fluid retention, etc.

Ideally, they should be eaten right after preparation. Thus, you guarantee the use of the ingredients that each one offers and consequently obtain more expressive effects. Always choose ripe fruits and quality ingredients to enjoy the benefits of functional juices .

As much as functional juices contain a number of natural and important ingredients for the body, it is important to remember that they should not replace a complete and balanced meal. They function only as complementary foods and must be incorporated into established diets.


Although juices provide advantages, it is very important to always check with an expert to analyze the conditions properly. Now that you know the benefits of functional juices in general, it’s time to get to know the main recipes and understand the purpose of each one. Check it out below.

Green juice

One of the best known functional is the green juice. The main benefit of this drink is the detoxification power of the intestine that it presents, in addition to activating the intestine and increasing hydration. The main ingredients used in this recipe are 2 kale leaves, 2 oranges and 1 ginger finger.

For the preparation, it is necessary to squeeze the orange juice and beat the cabbage leaves and the ginger finger in a blender. In some cases, the orange can be replaced with other fruits, such as pineapple. The juice has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and thermogenic function.

If you want to obtain a green juice recipe focusing on skin quality, it is possible to use other ingredients in its composition. To do this, mix the juice of half a lemon, unpeeled pink grapes (1 cup of tea), 2 unpeeled green apples (without seeds) and mineral water (1 cup of tea).

This alternative promotes skin enrichment while increasing collagen production due to the presence of vitamin C in lemon. Because of this, the juice helps in the elasticity of the skin. The juice also prevents premature aging of the skin, due to its antioxidant properties.

Juice to help you sleep

If you battle insomnia daily and want to make a recipe that helps fight this problem, this is one of the top functional juices for sleep . Use a banana and an amount of strawberries of your choice and mix them with spinach and mineral water until you reach the desired consistency.

Banana is rich in magnesium and has properties in its composition that help the body to relax. In addition, strawberries and spinach are considered foods that promote the production of melatonin naturally. Melatonin is a property widely used for those who have difficulty sleeping.

Orange and Beet Juice

Now, did you know that there are also functional juice options that help with skin tanning? Orange and beetroot juice is one of the main examples of this. That’s because it becomes rich in betacarotene, a substance rich in vitamin A, which directly assists in tanning and skin protection.

The recipe is simple, just use orange juice and mix it with half a raw beet and a medium carrot. Blend in a blender and consume the functional juice every day to work on the well-being of the skin and obtain all the nutrients and benefits provided by vitamin A.

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