Every practice of physical exercise consumes energy and other nutrients from the body, indicating the importance of knowing what to eat before or after training. Thus, knowing the most specific needs for the type of exercise to be performed is essential when defining what food to eat.

Carelessness with this aspect of any physical training can prevent the person from achieving the expected results. In addition, it can cause some disturbances, damage the practitioner’s health or even change their lifestyle .

Continue reading and find out what to eat before or after training.

Why is nutrition important for training results?

Good results in training are not simply the liquid and certain product of the practice of physical exercises , however improved they may be. A correct diet is essential to obtain the best results from the activity. In fact, proper nutrition can improve performance capacity.

Thus, in addition to bringing benefits to the body and health in general, nutrition aimed at training also avoids some discomfort and damage during physical activity. See below the main preventive and corrective effects of this care before and after training.

Energy availability

To perform a physical activity , whatever the type of exercise, your body will use energy, which therefore needs to be available. The best pre-workout nutrition for this purpose is one that slowly releases the energy needed, rather than an energy spike followed by a deficit.

In addition, it is important to take into account the time between eating and training. Thus, the closer to training you eat food, the lighter the activity should be, in order to avoid any discomfort during exercise.

I protect against dizziness

Dizziness during training can be the result of irregular situations in the body, such as dehydration or an inadequate way of breathing during practice. The most common, however, is the absence of proper and balanced nutrition before training.

Inadequate nutrition before exercise can further reduce your blood glucose (blood glucose availability) and cause dizziness during physical activity. Thus, good nutrition will make all the difference and prevent the occurrence of this disorder.

Fat Burning

Some foods, when eaten with balance, are a good reinforcement in the body fat burning strategy. In general, they are fiber-rich foods, which reduce fat absorption and increase the feeling of satiety.

Likewise, foods rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C and others, reduce fat absorption. In turn, the presence of vitamin B6 in some foods reduces the formation of fatty plaques in blood vessels, preventing cardiovascular damage.

Reduction of muscle pain

Some people, when they finish a certain physical training, resent the muscle pain that comes some time later. In these cases, it is common to treat the disorder known by the acronym DTM, in English, or “delayed onset muscle pain”, when the discomfort manifests itself about eight hours after physical practice.

There are some foods that are capable of preventing this occurrence, foods that people eat before or after training, depending on the action of each one. Good nutritional guidance is capable of indicating the most suitable food for each person and for the training that will be carried out.

What to eat before training?

Although food is directly linked to the positive results expected from training, you need to keep in mind what you should or shouldn’t eat before training. In general, the intake of carbohydrates, fruits and proteins will be of good size. Take into account the aspects shown below.


Carbohydrates provide the necessary energy for muscle work that will be carried out in any physical activity So, consider foods such as cassava, sweet potatoes and tapioca , as well as cereals, bread and rice for muscle mass gain.


The organism will use the proteins mainly for the recovery and maintenance of the musculature. The main foods indicated for this purpose are: meat, chicken, eggs, vegetable protein (beans, lentils), among others.


Fruits contribute to muscle mass gain, as well as helping to prevent cramps, hydrating the body, improving circulation, etc. The most suitable fruits for a good diet before training are: banana, avocado, watermelon, grape and orange.

What to eat after training?

Eating after training is essentially aimed at repairing the effect of muscle efforts spent during exercise. These effects almost always consist of damage to the musculature, which, once repaired, will consolidate the added muscle mass (muscle gain).

To this end, proteins constitute the group of nutrients capable of promoting such muscle regeneration. However, they do not operate in isolation.

In this way, accompanied by the other nutrients intended for pre-workout (carbohydrates and fruits), you will be able to do your best. For proteins after training, the following foods can be considered, among others: fish (sardines, salmon, tuna), chicken breast, eggs and cottage cheese.

For carbohydrates, in addition to those mentioned above, wholemeal pasta and wholemeal bread may be included. And for fruits, red fruits and mango can be included.

Also, take into account the constant need to consume fluids for hydration, which should occur before, during and after each workout. In order to keep the body hydrated, make use of water, coconut water, fruit juice or milk.

As you can see, food makes a big difference in the practice of physical exercises and, for this reason, it is important to know what to eat before or after training. A balanced and adequate diet before training helps the individual to have a good performance during the exercise, as well as the food ingested afterwards regenerates and recomposes the muscles.

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