Did you know that the difference between running on the treadmill and on the street can help you stay healthy? Using these two ways to exercise the body is a strategy to avoid injuries, stay stimulated and maintain physical conditioning.

If the calculations of family, work, leisure and health responsibilities have challenging results, running and its types can be an accessible formula to achieve goals. After reading this article, you will be able to define what your gains are when taking steps on the treadmill or on the street.

In addition, you will understand the change between each type of race, being prepared to choose which tips really work for your races. After all, each routine has a different context, so experimenting with strategies is the best way to reach a common denominator. Let’s go?

What do you get by running on the treadmill?

Running on a treadmill is a safer way to study your body’s limits. Choosing this machine works like a simulation of a street race. There are three main benefits when using the equipment: control, practicality and stimulus to effort.


The unalterable firm ground allows for a more regular stride, which results in less stress on your joints. On the treadmill, you have the power to choose the time, speed and incline level of the tread. These options make it easy to control throughout your workout .


Not every day there is time and inclination to run in the park or beach, even if they are close. You save time with a treadmill in your room, building or at your nearby gym.

That way, you don’t have to look for gym clothes, get dressed, go out and back, drive to the edge of some urban beach and worry about parking.

Just five, ten or fifteen minutes on the treadmill is of great help to increase your physical resistance. The practicality of being able to exercise under these conditions is an investment in quality of life.

When we talk about healthy attitudes , constancy and knowledge of limits are important tips that can be achieved with the use of the treadmill. Have you thought about starting to pay more attention to the machine and try it out during your physical activities?

stimulus to effort

You pressed the buttons on the treadmill and set a speed of 8 km/h. Unlike in a race, it’s not your legs that control how fast. The treadmill will keep rolling regardless of your disposition unless you press a button to pause or slow it down.

In this way, it is as if the treadmill “tricks” our brain, making it feel like it is in command. That is, she is a good little push, stimulating effort. That’s why many beginners in physical exercise start in this type of race.

What do you get by running in the street?

Over time, it can be intuitive to start wanting to become more capable of pushing new limits or sophisticated the way you run. Running in the street is precisely the moment to take a more professional step in educating your body.

We have selected three main benefits: enhanced physical resistance, body awareness and stimulation of creativity with new landscapes.

Enhanced increase in physical endurance

Street running workouts help the body to withstand more stress loads. This is because the different soil and climate conditions increase the challenge of the past. Imagine that those who run on the beach, with the sand, deal with a floor that sinks, with greater friction, in addition to the intensity of the wind.

Even in places with a more homogeneous floor, there are differences and a greater degree of difficulty than running on a treadmill. In both types, there is increased resistance. However, the street is more challenging and you can advance several steps in enhancing your body’s limits.

The result is less tiredness, more speed of thought and prevention of cardiovascular and respiratory problems. In addition, the feeling of well-being is a reward every post-workout.

Greater body awareness

Feeling every muscle in your body brings you into the present by focusing on where you are right now. Street running, as it requires more of the joints, makes the functioning of the body’s limits more evident, which allows for more knowledge about it.

Greater body awareness strengthens self-esteem and facilitates the understanding of the best times and types of physical activities suited to their abilities.

Stimulating creativity with new landscapes

Running on the street allows you to access new landscapes, such as parks, beaches and squares. There are many corners that allow running, stimulating your creativity due to the contact with the unpublished, reinventing your routine.

Attitude can be a treat for you to stay stimulated. For example, choose one day a week to run in a different place. Put this as a reward. Thus, you insert more dynamics into your daily physical exercises .

What’s the difference between running on a treadmill and running outside?

If you’ve made it this far, we bet you a race as you can already imagine the difference between running on a treadmill and on the street. Both are useful and can be used together. However, what changes is the degree of difficulty. Treadmill means more comfort, which can be a good thing to keep constant in physical activity. While street racing demands more from the body and requires a refined technical preparation.

It is a fact that the difference between running on the treadmill and on the street manages to solve some of the challenges of maintaining a healthy routine. In this article, you understood how the comfort of running on the treadmill can be the little push to start and continue in the activity. Street running, on the other hand, calls for greater care, as it requires more body knowledge when dealing with different soils and climate changes.

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